
Saturday 23 February 2019

New Website again

Yes I've remade my website again and hope this one will be a lot simpler for me and anyone visiting a lot easier to use.  It's still the same address and still has a Lammas Camp page for 2019 tickets as well as my items for sale.

I'm still tweaking and messing with it but it is now live so if you want to take a peek please do and let me know what you think.  It has a blog on there as well, yes I know I don't write much on this one so how am I going to manage two?  We'll see how it all goes, there are some posts already on there if you want to have a mooch round.

One of the things I impressed myself with is that I've made a favicon for it :0)  What's a favicon you might ask, I did too.  It's the little icon you see at the top of tab pages on the computer, you know like facebook has a f in a blue square and gmail has an envelope with red on the edges.  Mines a purple star, thought it fitting as Morning Star Craft and cos well purple ;0)

So off to twiddle some more, post some more items for sale, add a bit more to the Lammas Camp page, try to get google to find it and all that stuff, need coffee first though I think.

Hope to see you there