
Monday 16 October 2017

Samhin Ritual & Celebrations 2018 and 13th Chesterfield Derbyshire Pagans Moot

Samhain Ritual and Celebrations at Eyre Chapel, Newbold Chesterfield.  We will be having a child friendly Ritual followed by Food Share, Music & Dancing to celebrate the Ancestors, the thinning of the veil and the coming year.  There will be a Fancy Dress and Pumpkin Competition with prizes of Lammas Camp Tickets for 2018, whoo.  No need to come in fancy dress though if you don't fancy it ;0) robes or 'normal' clothes are fine as well. This is a link to our facebook page for more info.

This month was also our 13th Moot, not bad going if I do say so :0) even baked a cake to celebrate the event a green mouldy spider infested one ;0) but everyone was very complementary about it and there was none left so it must have been good :0)  We had a talk by Kate regarding Negotiations with the Fae, Bargains and Contracts.  It went very well she is very interesting to listen to and sparked lots of discussion afterwards.  Next month, November, will be Paranormal Investigations by Cherill.  We have a moot every 2nd Monday of the month at The Old House, Newbold, just up from where the Samhain Celebrations are taking place and where we have drumming every 1st Thursday of the month.  Everyone is welcome to come along to our events, doesn't matter what path you're on as long as you are interested, friendly and wanting to take part :0)

My Spider Cake, thanks for the photo Sandra xx

Raven Sun and Moon, Raven Dream Catcher, Raven wall hanging decorations

Thought I would have a change from the painted hanging Hares I've been doing and Crow/Ravens called to me.  
I read about a Native American Legend where White Raven at the beginning of time, when the world was dark, fell in love with the daughter of Grey Eagle.  When he was invited into their house he noticed light seeping out of a box, being curious he peeked in and out flew the Sun, he caught it in his beak and then flew high and higher into the sky with it and placed it there.  The world was now lit and he could see an island, knowing that Grey Eagle would be angry at him for having taken the sun, he flew to the island.  The next night he flew back to Grey Eagles house as he felt ashamed of Grey Eagle for keeping the sun and so the world in darkness, he was also curious as to what else might be in the box.  He discovered the moon and flew high into the sky with it to place it there to give light to the night sky.  He went back again and just as he had taken the stars out to go place them in the sky Grey Eagle discovered him and so to escape he flew up the smoke hole turning his white feathers black, and so they remain to this day to remind us of how Raven brought light to the Earth.
After reading the story I set to work making the raven with the sun in his mouth and the moon and stars at his feet.  

The next one I made was Raven with a Dream Catcher.  It's surprisingly fiddley doing a dream catcher with wire, especially when its small and dainty.  It does look really good though with the beads and feathers dangling from it.  

I have a few more Crow Raven shapes.  As it's near Samhain Morrigan seems a good choice and that is what I am working on now.  I also want to use a couple for Huginn and Muninn, Odin's Ravens Thought and Memory.

Ravens and Crows are common characters amongst many believes, Norse of course and also Celtic, Roman, Greek.  They also feature a lot as peoples personal totems, spirit guides and power animals.
Please see my web site if you're interested in these Ravens :0)